Category: Event

St Peter’s Church Autumn Fair Saturday 10th November 2pm

St Peter’s Church Autumn Fair Saturday 10th November at 2pm Little Budworth Village Hall Stalls include: Raffle, Tombola, Home-made Cakes, Bric-a-Brac, Craft Stalls, Refreshments Something for everyone!   All gifts/donations will be gratefully received at the Village Hall on: Friday…

Harvest services 28th and 30th September – St Peter’s Church, Little Budworth

Friday 28th September at 7pm – Harvest Thanksgiving/Songs of Praise Followed by Bring & Share Harvest Supper in Church   Sunday 30th September at 11am – Harvest Festival Service Children’s Baskets and all other gifts will be gratefully received during…

The Mile Roses – Whisky Fireside & Tales from the Road

Little Budworth Jubilee Hall Committee in conjunction with Cheshire Rural Touring Arts presents The Mile Roses – Whisky Fireside & Tales from the Road Contemporary British Folk with a nod to Nashville Friday 12th October 2018 – 7pm for 7:30pm…

Reminder – Macmillan Coffee Morning 28th September

  You’re invited to  Little Budworth Jubilee Hall Friday 28th September 10.30 to 12.30pm Tickets: £2.50 Cake stall, bring & buy, raffle, competitions. Please join us to support this worthy charity. Organized by: Little Budworth Jubilee Hall Committee in aid of Macmillan…

‘Whats on’ in Little Budworth in September 2018

Every Monday  afternoon – Come along to ‘Knit & Natter’ 2.30-4.00pm (every Monday) held in the Church room in St Peters Mobile library – Visits every 3rd Monday week from 11.35-12.05pm at Booth Avenue.    Post Office – The Post Office…