Author: Dave Lee

Appeal Against Planning Decision for Land Adjacent to Waters Reach

For those of you who are not already aware, an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council to refuse to grant planning permission for the proposed housing development…

Little Budworth Jubilee Hall – Maintenance Work

Work on replacing the flat roofs on the Hall start this Wednesday 26th August.  Scaffolding will be erected on Wednesday and the roofing contractor starts on Thursday. Whilst this work is taking place the only access to the hall will from the…

Cheshire Rural Touring Arts – Opera Dudes: Mission Improbable

The Village Hall Committee and Cheshire Rural Touring Arts are proud to present Opera Dudes: Mission Improbable at the Village Hall on Friday 6th November, 7pm for 7:30pm start. Tickets: £10.50 including Supper.  Bar and Raffle also available. Contact: Joan…

WI Craft Fair – Saturday 5th September

The Little Budworth WI are holding a Craft Fair on Saturday 5th September at 2:30 – 5pm in the Village Hall Come and try various crafts / activities: Knitting, Crocheting, Wine Tasting, Puppet Making, Flower Arranging, Cake Decorating WI Centenary…

Coach Road Closure & Traffic Through The Village

MESSAGE FROM SIMON BONSER AT OULTON PARK Dear Local Resident, Due to the accident yesterday, involving the display aeroplane, we have been informed by the police that the Coach Road will be closed for a number of days whilst an…

Car Fest – Advanced Warning of Road Closures

Please find attached notice and plan for a temporary road closures on Coach Road, Park Road and Brownhills Road, Little Budworth to commence on 31st  July 2015.  This is necessary for safety reasons to enable the Carfest 2015 event to…

FoLBC – New Photo Gallery of July Working Party

New photo gallery available from the July Working Party.  Great turn out with 15 volunteers clearing the birch scrub at the  edges of Whitehall Moss and installing bollards on some of the nearby paths. FoLBC Working Party – July 2015…

Latest Alests from Cheshire Police

Advanced Fee Fraud Alert The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has been alerted to an Advanced Fee Scam whereby mainly persons of Asian descent are targeted by the suspects who cold call the victim, purporting to be from the Home Office UK Visa…

Superfast Broadband Update

UPDATE FROM GEOFF JOHNSON We now have Superfast Broadband in the Village BUT it’s not available to everybody in the 760XXX range! The village phone service is distributed via four Green Street cabinets.  Cabinet 1         on Park Road opposite Rushton…