Author: Dave Lee

Reminder – St Peter’s Church Autumn Fair on Saturday 14th November

St Peter’s Church will be having an Autumn Fair on Saturday 14th November in the Village Hall.  Doors open at 2pm. Raffle, Refreshments, Stalls, Bric-a-Brac, Books, W.I Tombola, Cake table and lots more. All welcome, there will be something for…

Pub Quiz at the Red Lion – Tuesday 3rd November

The Red Lion will be hosting it’s Monthly Quiz on Tuesday 3rd November, starting at 9pm. Everyone welcome – come and join in the fun! Just as a reminder, there is also a weekly fun quiz on Sunday nights, starting…

St Peter’s Church Christmas Tree Festival

St. Peter’s, Little Budworth Christmas Tree Festival 2015 Come and view trees dressed by  local businesses and organisations – Trees on display on Saturday 12th December 11am to 4.30pm Great for families – Carols and singing, activities for children, refreshments…

St Peter’s Church Autumn Fair – Saturday 14th November

St Peter’s Church will be having an Autumn Fair on Saturday 14th November in the Village Hall.  Doors open at 2pm. Raffle, Refreshments, Stalls, Bric-a-Brac, Books, W.I Tombola, Cake table and lots more. All welcome, there will be something for…

Harvest Festival Services at St Peter’s Church

Friday 2nd October 2015, 7pm Harvest Songs of Praise Followed by Bring & Share Harvest Supper in Church and a cake sale by Mothers’ Union *** Sunday 4th October 2015, 11am Harvest Family Service Children’s Baskets and all other gifts…

Cake Sale – Friday 2nd October, 8pm at St Peter’s Church

St Peter’s Church Cake Sale in aid of the Mothers’ Union Wheels Appeal on Friday 2nd October 2015 at 8pm after the Harvest Service being held at 7pm and at the same time as the Bring & Share Harvest Supper.…

Photos from the WI 100th Anniversary Craft Fair

On Saturday 5th September Little Budworth WI held a very successful craft fair in the Jubilee Hall. Between 40 and 50 local people came along to help us celebrate 100 years of the WI.  The Little Budworth Parish Council made…

Village Green & Fete Meeting – 21st September

There will be a meeting of the new Village Green Committee at the Red Lion Inn on Monday 21st September at 7:30pm. Everyone welcome, and in particular, anyone who is interested in helping with the Village Green or in having a…